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Resume Writing and Career Development Solutions

Our success developing powerful, compelling, and unique career marketing documents stems from our in-depth information-mining and strategic development processes.

The first step begins with a single question…

What are your current career goals?

The answer to this and other key questions form the foundation for the strategic development process.
  • What are your short-term goals? Career advancement, transition, etc.? Inside or outside your current industry?
  • What motivates you about your work? What are you most passionate about?
  • What is your forte, how are you distinguished from your peers, e.g. how will you be “branded”?
  • Are there potential “Achilles’ heels” to address, e.g. a mid-career transition that deviated from your career path, a “backward” move on the career ladder, multiple positions of short duration, work history gaps, etc.?
  • How did you achieve the career successes that most benefited your companies?
  • What is the goal for your new Resume? Pursue an internal advancement opportunity, wage an active external search (e.g. in response to internal career limitations, a change in company stability/leadership/direction/culture), or as a vehicle by which to “test the waters” to explore select “golden” opportunities?
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